A collection of snow-related photos (or, just photos with snow in them) from the past few weeks.. Cedar Rapids has gotten 45 inches of snow this winter, 13 inches more than usual. Coming up this spring: lots and lots of flooding.
First, some weather features from the most recent storm, which dumped 17 inches on the ground in Iowa City.. I was practically giddy at finding these kids having an all-out snowball war along a creek, reminding me of my own childhood winter adventures.

This is the view near our downtown Iowa City office, overlooking the University of Iowa campus.

There's an ice rink at the park in my neighborhood. I had no idea.

The morning after this photo was taken, 12 inches of snow had fallen in Cedar Rapids. That day, I learned the value of all-wheel drive (and of company cars that aren't wimpy in the snow, like my Corolla).

The Tree of Five Seasons, downtown Cedar Rapids. Curious what the fifth season is?
So am I.
Unrelated to the weather, but, shot this for a story on the most dilapidated houses in Cedar Rapids a few weeks ago.

Also unrelated to the weather, but I spent a couple hours wandering the UI campus looking for smokers, a harder task than you might imagine. The UI president just passed a resolution banning smoking on campus - everywhere - to take effect July 2009.
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