My oh my. No excuses. Life happened, blogging didn't. But you know what else happened? The Gazette staff got our very own website to fill with visual goodness, complete with two (yes, TWO!) blogs: a relaunch of reFocus, and a new video blog, HighDef. A particular cause for excitement is the HUGE photo display that puts my measly 700px here to shame (maybe I'll do some retooling around here soon). Our web dev team put up with my incessant emails and visits and delivered a great home for our work. You'll also find our recent galleries (and eventually, videos. We're working on it.) To add to the fun, we have a facebook page for the whole staff, too. I'll continue posting here, but it will be more personal and freelance work, in addition to links to take you to fresh content on the new blogs, so stick around, but add those to your RSS readers too.
The image above is from a recent food shoot, with every dish using Girl Scout cookies as an ingredient. Needless to say, much of the shoot was fueled by sugar. Click over to my post on reFocus to see more photos and read about the shoot. I've been pairing up with our food writer more often lately, reawakening my interest in food photography, and it's been a ton of fun so far.