
Confused robin

Poor robin, thought it was time for spring, for green grass and flowers and cookouts and frolicking! Nope. In Iowa, you never know when you'll get six more inches of snow.


A few weeks ago, it was 70 and sunny. Yesterday, it snowed, while I was shooting the Polar Plunge at Pleasant Creek. Some of the teams, like the Nukesickles from Duane Arnold nuclear plant or the ducks from Midwest Xtreme Tri Club, went all out with costumes. My 'costume' was more of the tall rubber boots and lots of layers variety. See gazettonline for the story and more bone-chilling photos.



Just a few things I saw today while out on assignment. It's a lovely Sunday; I'll soon be leaving the gray, florescent-lit office for an afternoon of sipping sweet tea on my patio.


Here comes the flood. again.

Photographed this morning at Jones Golf Course. No, that's not a water hazard. You can almost hear all of Iowa holding its breath, waiting to see what happens, dreading the possibility of a repeat of last year.