Last month I photographed local artist
Fred Easker as he worked in his basement studio. His new puppy, Jackson the Action Whippet (think Jackson (Pollock) the Action Painter) is almost always scampering about the studio or perched in that chair while Easker paints. I know my presence can be a distraction in some situations, much as I try to just be a respectful observer, but it was tougher than I anticipated in such a silent space. When he works, he says it's like a meditation, so imagine attemtping that when a camera is clicking in the background.

Jackson, a four month-old Whippet, chews on a toy while Cedar Rapids artist Fred Easker works on a painting of a view near Harpers Ferry in his home studio on Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2009. Easker is one of the five artists selected to create work for the new federal courthouse.